From main pull-down menu Settings, click
Connection Settings. You may want to remove DEMO BSC. To do
so, select DEMO in the list and click Remove (if you want
to add DEMO again later, you can just name the new BSC DEMO, and other
parameters will be automatically set).
1. Type the name of a new network element in the text box below the list, and
click Add.
2. Repeat this for all network elements.
3. Select all network elements, and enter parameters which are common to all
(e.g. user name, password, part of IP address...).
4. Click the Apply button.
5. After setting username, password and IP address, click the
button. This will open pop-up menu where you can select IOG, APG etc.
If you want to add a new NE at later time, you can use copy/paste from some
existing NE.
When one user sets up Connection Settings, he or she can share it with other
users by clicking the Export... button. This will create an
XML file which can be sent by email to other users, who can then make